Compute Engine

Run virtual machines in Google's data centres

To check for the defaults

gcloud compute project-info describe --project <your_project_ID>

To set defaults

gcloud config set compute/zone ...
gcloud config set compute/region ...

To create your VM through command-line, run the following command:

gcloud compute instances create gcelab2 \
--machine-type n1-standard-2 \
--zone $ZONE

Command details

  • gcloud compute allows you to manage your Compute Engine resources in a format that's simpler than the Compute Engine API.

  • instances create creates a new instance.

  • gcelab2 is the name of the VM.

  • The --machine-type flag specifies the machine type as n1-standard-2.

  • The --zone flag specifies where the VM is created.

  • If you omit the --zone flag, the gcloud tool can infer your desired zone based on your default properties. Other required instance settings, such as machine type and image, are set to default values if not specified in the create command.

To SSH through command line

gcloud compute ssh gcelab2 --zone us-central1-c

Make sure to add your zone, or omit the --zone flag if you've set the option globally.

To list your instances

gcloud compute instances list

Last updated