
The Shell class defines the following navigation-related properties:

  • BackButtonBehavior, of type BackButtonBehavior, an attached property that defines the behavior of the back button.

  • CurrentItem, of type ShellItem, the currently selected item.

  • CurrentPage, of type Page, the currently presented page.

  • CurrentState, of type ShellNavigationState, the current navigation state of the Shell.

  • Current, of type Shell, a type-casted alias for Application.Current.MainPage.

Navigation is performed by invoking the GoToAsync method, from the Shell class.


Navigation is performed in a Shell app by specifying a URI to navigate to. Navigation URIs can have three components:

  • A route, which defines the path to content that exists as part of the Shell visual hierarchy.

  • A page. Pages that don't exist in the Shell visual hierarchy can be pushed onto the navigation stack from anywhere within a Shell app. For example, a details page won't be defined in the Shell visual hierarchy, but can be pushed onto the navigation stack as required.

  • One or more query parameters. Query parameters are parameters that can be passed to the destination page while navigating.

When a navigation URI includes all three components, the structure is: //route/page?queryParameters

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