
  • Data is a collection of facts such as numbers, descriptions, and observations used to record information.

    • Structured data - tabular schema

    • Semi-structured data - JSON

    • Unstructured data - documents, images, audio and video, and binary files.

Relational Databases a.k.a. SQL Databases

  • designed in the 1970s

  • a table-based relation data structure that defines and manipulated data using pre-defined schemas to determine its structure.

  • used to store and query structured data.

  • follows ACID property which makes it capable of performing different tasks as a single logical operation.

  • Examples - MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB, Oracle

  • not suitable for frequently changing data

  • not flexible due to its rigid pre-determined structure

  • difficult to scale as the data increases so the app size increases as well

  • are horizontally scalable making them more expensive than non-relational databases

Non-Relational Databases a.k.a. NoSQL Databases

Key-Value databases

  • Example - Redis

Document databases

  • Examples - MongoDB, Couchbase

Column Family databases

Graph databases

  • Example - Neo4j

  • can handle the storage of structured and semi-structured data due to its non-tabular form.

  • are horizontally scalable making them cheaper than relational databases.

  • can make multiple databases with different structures and syntax.

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