
let greeting = function(){
    return 'Hello, World!';

let message = greeting();
console.log(message);            //Hello, World!
let greeting = function greet(name){
    return 'Hello, ' + name;

let message = greeting('World!');
console.log(message);                //Hello, World!

Arrow Functions

  • a.k.a. Anonymous functions, or Lambda functions.

  • Introduced in ES6.

  • Arrow functions do not have their own this value.

let greeting = () => { 
    return 'Hello, World!'; 

let message = greeting();
console.log(message);        // Hello, World!
let greeting = (name) => 'Welcome ' + name + ' to the World of JavaScript!';

let message = greeting('Jerry');
console.log(message);        // Welcome Jerry to the World of JavaScript!
let msg = {
    name: "John",
    regularFunction: function(){
        console.log('Hello, ' +;
    arrowFunction: () => console.log('Hi ' +

msg.regularFunction();        //Hello, John
msg.arrowFunction();          //Hi

Here in this example, when we call from msg.arrowFunction(), it looks for the name variable in the global context and cannot find it. Therefore only Hi gets printed. if we try to print it will return an empty string.


  • a Generator function is a function that generates iterator.

Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)

  • a.k.a. a Self-Executing Anonymous Function.

  • a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined.

  • let us group our code and works in isolation, independent of any other code.

(function(){                                // IIFE
    console.log('Hello, World!');

(() => {                                    // Arrow Function IIFE
    console.log('Hello, World!');

(async () => {                              // async IIFE
    console.log('Hello, World!');

this keyword refers to the owner of the function we are executing.

Async Functions


  • When resolved it makes the result available

  • States: Pending, Fulfilled, Rejected

  • Promise.all - takes multiple promises and returns a promise which resolves when all supplied promises are done.

  • Promise.race - is the same as Promise.all but it resolves when first promise is done.

Shared Array Buffers & Atomics

  • An ArrayBuffer instance represents a piece of memory: binary data

  • Typed arrays are needed to access data in an ArrayBuffer

  • The SharedArrayBuffer is an ArrayBuffer for which underlying data can be shared across threads

  • Atomics global variable provides a collection of tools to work with the SharedArrayBuffer

Last updated

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