Getting and Creating Projects
Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
Copy git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template-directory>]
[--separate-git-dir <git-dir>] [--object-format=<format>]
[-b <branch-name> | --initial-branch=<branch-name>]
[--shared[=<permissions>]] [<directory>]
Clone a repository into a new directory
Copy git clone [--template=<template-directory>]
[-l] [-s] [--no-hardlinks] [-q] [-n] [--bare] [--mirror]
[-o <name>] [-b <name>] [-u <upload-pack>] [--reference <repository>]
[--dissociate] [--separate-git-dir <git-dir>]
[--depth <depth>] [--[no-]single-branch] [--no-tags]
[--recurse-submodules[=<pathspec>]] [--[no-]shallow-submodules]
[--[no-]remote-submodules] [--jobs <n>] [--sparse] [--[no-]reject-shallow]
[--filter=<filter> [--also-filter-submodules]] [--] <repository>
Add file contents to the index
Copy git add [--verbose | -v] [--dry-run | -n] [--force | -f] [--interactive | -i] [--patch | -p]
[--edit | -e] [--[no-]all | -A | --[no-]ignore-removal | [--update | -u]] [--sparse]
[--intent-to-add | -N] [--refresh] [--ignore-errors] [--ignore-missing] [--renormalize]
[--chmod=(+|-)x] [--pathspec-from-file=<file> [--pathspec-file-nul]]
[--] [<pathspec>…]
Show the working tree status
Copy git status [<options>] [--] [<pathspec>…]
Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
Copy git diff [<options>] [<commit>] [--] [<path>…]
git diff [<options>] --cached [--merge-base] [<commit>] [--] [<path>…]
git diff [<options>] [--merge-base] <commit> [<commit>…] <commit> [--] [<path>…]
git diff [<options>] <commit>…<commit> [--] [<path>…]
git diff [<options>] <blob> <blob>
git diff [<options>] --no-index [--] <path> <path>
Record changes to the repository
Copy git commit [-a | --interactive | --patch] [-s] [-v] [-u<mode>] [--amend]
[--dry-run] [(-c | -C | --squash) <commit> | --fixup [(amend|reword):]<commit>)]
[-F <file> | -m <msg>] [--reset-author] [--allow-empty]
[--allow-empty-message] [--no-verify] [-e] [--author=<author>]
[--date=<date>] [--cleanup=<mode>] [--[no-]status]
[-i | -o] [--pathspec-from-file=<file> [--pathspec-file-nul]]
[(--trailer <token>[(=|:)<value>])…] [-S[<keyid>]]
[--] [<pathspec>…]
To trigger a commit and kickoff workflow without having to make any change.
Copy git commit --allow empty -m '<your_message>'
Add or inspect object notes
Copy git notes [list [<object>]]
git notes add [-f] [--allow-empty] [--[no-]separator | --separator=<paragraph-break>] [--[no-]stripspace] [-F <file> | -m <msg> | (-c | -C) <object>] [<object>]
git notes copy [-f] ( --stdin | <from-object> [<to-object>] )
git notes append [--allow-empty] [--[no-]separator | --separator=<paragraph-break>] [--[no-]stripspace] [-F <file> | -m <msg> | (-c | -C) <object>] [<object>]
git notes edit [--allow-empty] [<object>] [--[no-]stripspace]
git notes show [<object>]
git notes merge [-v | -q] [-s <strategy> ] <notes-ref>
git notes merge --commit [-v | -q]
git notes merge --abort [-v | -q]
git notes remove [--ignore-missing] [--stdin] [<object>…]
git notes prune [-n] [-v]
git notes get-ref
Restore working tree files
Copy git restore [<options>] [--source=<tree>] [--staged] [--worktree] [--] <pathspec>…
git restore [<options>] [--source=<tree>] [--staged] [--worktree] --pathspec-from-file=<file> [--pathspec-file-nul]
git restore (-p|--patch) [<options>] [--source=<tree>] [--staged] [--worktree] [--] [<pathspec>…]
Reset current HEAD to the specified state
- move changes back to staging(index) area.
This is helpful if you want to take a group of commits and squash them into a single larger commit.
(default) - move changes back to local working directory.
this is helpful if you want to take a group of small commits and combine some of the changes to make larger commits, and you can also use it to make additional changes to the files and then re-create the commit history.
- moves changes to the trash.
Copy git reset [-q] [<tree-ish>] [--] <pathspec>…
git reset [-q] [--pathspec-from-file=<file> [--pathspec-file-nul]] [<tree-ish>]
git reset (--patch | -p) [<tree-ish>] [--] [<pathspec>…]
git reset [--soft | --mixed [-N] | --hard | --merge | --keep] [-q] [<commit>]
Remove files from the working tree and from the index
Copy git rm [-f | --force] [-n] [-r] [--cached] [--ignore-unmatch]
[--quiet] [--pathspec-from-file=<file> [--pathspec-file-nul]]
[--] [<pathspec>…]
Snippetsto untrack the file and delete it from the repository.
to untrack the file from git but keeps the file in the repository.
Copy git rm --cached <file_name>
Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
Copy git mv [<options>] <source>… <destination>
Branching and Merging
- List, create, or delete branches
- Switch branches or restore working tree files
- Join two or more development histories together
- Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts
- Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
- Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
- Manage multiple working trees
Show commit logs
SnippetsThis makes the log more readable and colorful.
Copy git log --pretty=online --graph --decorate -all
Copy git branch --merged master | grep -v 'master' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d
Recursive Merge
A recursive merge occurs when your feature branch doesn’t have the latest version of code in the branch you’re trying to merge into.
Fast-Forward Merge
A fast-forward merge occurs when there have been no new commits, other than the ones you’re trying to merge, on the original branch since you created your feature branch from it.
Rename Branch
If you want to rename your current HEAD branch,
Copy git branch -m <new_branch_name>
If you want to rename a different local branch that is not currently checked out,
Copy git branch -n <old_branch_name> <new_branch_name>
Switch Branch
Copy git checkout <branch_name>
Copy git switch <branch_name>
Track Branch
when we want to track a remote branch,
Copy git branch --track <new_branch> origin/<base_branch>
when we want the same name for the local branch as the remote branch then,
Copy git checkout --track origin/<base_branch>
Rebase Branch
first switch to the branch that should receive changes
Copy git switch <feature_branch>
then execute the "rebase" command with the name of the branch that contains the desired changes
Copy git rebase <main_branch>
Compare Branch
Copy git log <branchA>..<branchB>
to compare local and remote branch,
Copy git log <local_branch>..origin/<remote_branch>
to see the actual changes that make up those differences between branches,
Copy git diff <branchA>..<branchB>