
Data Types and Operators

print () - built-in function that displays input values as text in the output

The pythonic way to name variables is to use all lowercase letters and underscores to separate words. Example: my_height = 58 my_lat = 40 my_long = 105

Arithmetic Operators

  • + Addition

  • - Subtraction

  • * Multiplication

  • / Division

  • // Divides and rounds down to the nearest integer

  • % Mod (the remainder after dividing)

  • ** Exponentiation (note that ^ does not do this operation, as you might have seen in other languages)

Assignment Operators

  • = Assignment

  • += Addition Assignment

  • -= Subtraction Assignment

  • *= Multiplication Assignment

  • /= Division Assignment

  • %= Remainder Assignment

  • **= Exponent Assignment

Integers and Floats

  • int - for integer values

  • float - for decimal or floating point values

x = int(4.7)   # x is now an integer 4
y = float(4)   # y is now a float of 4.0

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