
Filters allow code to run before or after specific stages in the request processing pipeline.

Filter types

Authorization Filters

  • Run first

  • Determine whether the user is authorized for the request. If not, Short-circuit the pipeline.

Resource Filter

  • Runs after authorization.

  • OnResourceExecuting runs code before the rest of the filter pipeline. For example, before model binding.

  • OnResourceExecuted runs code after the rest of the pipeline has completed.

Action/Endpoint Filters

  • Runs immediately before and after an action method is called.

  • Can change the arguments passed/result returned into/from an action.

  • Not supported in Razor pages.

  • Can be invoked on both actions and route handler-based endpoints.

  • Synchronous Action Filters

public class SampleActionFilter : IActionFilter
    public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
        // Do something before the action executes.

    public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
        // Do something after the action executes.
  • Asynchronous Action Filteres

public class SampleAsyncActionFilter : IAsyncActionFilter
    public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(
        ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
        // Do something before the action executes.
        await next();
        // Do something after the action executes.

Built-in Filter Attributes

  • ActionFilterAttribute

  • ExceptionFilterAttribute

  • ResultFilterAttribute

  • FormatFilterAttribute

  • ServiceFilterAttribute

public class ResponseHeaderAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    private readonly string _name;
    private readonly string _value;

    public ResponseHeaderAttribute(string name, string value) =>
        (_name, _value) = (name, value);

    public override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext context)
        context.HttpContext.Response.Headers.Add(_name, _value);

[ResponseHeader("Filter-Header", "Filter Value")]
public class ResponseHeaderController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult Index() =>
        Content("Examine the response headers using the F12 developer tools.");

    // ...

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