class Person{
contrustor(name){ = name;
get name(){
return this._name;
set name(){
this._name = value;
classEmployeeextendsPerson{doWork(){return`${this._name} is working`; }}let p1 =newPerson ("John");let e1 =newEmployee ("Jane");; //returns "John"; //returns "Jane" e1.doWork() ///returns "Jane is Working"
super keyword
super key is used to call/invoke the parent's constructor.
class Person{
contrustor(name){ = name;
get name(){
return this._name;
set name(){
this._name = value;
classEmployeeextendsPerson{constructor(title, name){super(name);this._title = title; }gettitle(){returnthis._title; }doWork(){//super(); //it can be used in other methods alsoreturn`${this._name} is working`; }}let e1 =newEmployee ("Developer","John");; //returns "John" e1.title; //returns "Developer"e1.doWork() ///returns "John is Working"
classEmployeeextendsPerson{constructor(title, name){super(name);this._title = title; }gettitle(){returnthis._title; }doWork(){returnsuper() +"paid"//can also invoke doWork method of the parent class. //if this keyword is used it will invoke the method of the same class i.e Employee and it will give StackOverflow error.
}}let e1 =newEmployee ("Developer","John");let p1 =newPerson ("Alex");p1.doWork()e1.doWork()